How to Defeat the Spirit of Anger
Do you ever regret reacting in anger? It’s important to remember that anger, as an emotion, is not sinful in and of itself. Ephesians 4:26 says, “In your anger, do not sin.”
But if left unchecked, anger can lead to sin and become a stronghold for the spirit of anger. There are ways to recognize if the spirit of anger is at work in your life and have victory over it.
Once recognized, you can learn how to break free from this destructive spirit of anger and replace it with the authority of God’s Holy Spirit.
- “He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes city.”—Proverbs 16:32 (emphasis added)
Identifying the Spirit of Anger
You are created with a body, soul, and spirit.
- Body—Your body is physical, meaning it can be seen and touched. Your body is what responds physically to the temptations of the world. Your body is designed to carry out a Kingdom purpose. As a Believer, Jesus bought you at a price, and you have become the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).
- Soul—Your soul is made up of your mind, will, and emotions. Just as it is with your body, your soul is designed by God for a purpose. This means God gave you a mind to think and free will to make decisions. It is in our minds that the battle with the supernatural world begins.
- Spirit—Ultimately, your spirit-man craves alignment with the Lord. If you are a follower of Jesus, Yeshua in Hebrew, you can fill your spirit with the power and authority of God’s Holy Spirit. On the other hand, your Adamic nature seeks the flesh. This is where the spirit of anger seeks to overtake you so that you begin walking by the flesh rather than the Spirit.
For decades, cartoons and comics have depicted this internal war with an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. Although this is a silly rendering, it gives a glimpse into the reality of the spiritual realm. This is how Believers become vulnerable to the attacks of the spirit of anger.
- “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”—Ephesians 6:12
Anger begins in the soul. A constant dialogue is happening in your soul, and you must recognize who is speaking. That is how you can decipher whether or not it is true.
Ultimately, the spirit of anger is an assignment from the enemy to throw confusion into your life and rob you of the peace of God. But you can defeat it through the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony.

How to Tell When This Destructive Spirit Has Authority in Your Life
We give authority to what we agree with. While the emotion of anger is not sin, it will lead to sinful behavior and patterns if we agree with the enemy’s lies. This is where the spirit of anger can come and form a stronghold.
Paul tells us, “‘In your anger do not sin’: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.” –Ephesians 4:26-27
When we remain in our anger and allow it to consume us, we give the devil a foothold. This can be a form of self-preservation–our agreement with the lie that we must fight for ourselves because no one else will. The spirit of anger can work with the orphan spirit (I have to fend for myself because I am alone) and the spirit of pride (I will fend for myself because my way is better).
Whatever the root, giving the spirit of anger a foothold is the result of a misaligned view of ourselves and God. We must come out of agreement with the lies and remember–
- God fights for His people.
- He will perfect what concerns His people.
- He is just and righteous and will require an account of all evil.
- Choosing your own way leads to destruction.
- God is in the process of making you more like Him as you commit all things to Him.
- You are not alone.
Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you in scriptures that remind you of the truth and align your thoughts with His Word. We test whether our feelings or beliefs speak the truth by seeing if they align with the Word of Truth. We remember that we can leave vengeance and wrath in God’s hands because our anger and revenge do not produce righteousness, but His does.
- “So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.”—James 1:19-20 (emphasis added)
Studying the Word makes us more like Jesus, Who is the Word. This means we adopt His ways and thoughts through the transforming power of His Holy Spirit. We become more like Him in all things, including how we handle anger and trust in God as our Father.
- “He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.”—1 John 2:6
How to Respond Well When Dealing with Anger
If you notice that the spirit of anger has a stronghold in your life, there is good news… you can break free! You can overcome the spirit of anger through the blood of the Lamb and the gift of His Spirit.
Inviting God Into the Emotion of Anger
Because the emotion of anger itself is not inherently sinful, it is important to distinguish between feeling angry and being ruled by a spirit of anger. There are dangerous, abusive situations where feeling angry is justified and is a clear sign that something needs to change. Anger, like any emotion, becomes sinful if it rules you, but in and of itself, it is simply speaking to you–warning of a problem in you or your circumstance.
Jesus’ response to the religious leaders of His day was righteous anger, propelling needed change to bring the true spirit of the law back to houses of worship. There are cases where anger is the catalyst for something good when surrendered to the Spirit of God.
Paul tells us in Romans 12:19, “Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.”
When we give our anger to God, we allow Him to work righteously on our behalf and bring the justice only He can bring.
Do Not Give the Devil a Foothold…
There are also everyday cases in families and faith communities where the spirit of anger attempts to stir up and divide people. This spirit of anger can lead to much sinful behavior that grieves God including gossip, hurtful words, and pride. In these cases, the first thing to remember after sinning in your anger is to seek forgiveness.
Ask the Lord and anyone you hurt for forgiveness. By asking for forgiveness, you no longer agree with the spirit of anger but align with the Spirit of God.
Three Truths to Remember When Dealing with the Spirit of Anger…
- We are not warring against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:10-20). The key to defeating the spirit of anger and correctly handling righteous anger is to remember the true enemy: satan and his demons. We are in a spiritual war and must be equipped with spiritual weapons and discernment. We must invite God into the emotion of anger and remember vengeance is His (Romans 12:19).
- When it comes to a stronghold of the spirit of anger, the deep roots of your anger may go back for several generations in your family line. You must combat those deep-rooted lies with God’s truth. The spirit of anger grows more destructive with time, and unless it is defeated, it will wreak havoc for future generations in your family.
- When you feel the spirit of anger rising, take that moment to pause. Excuse yourself and walk away from the situation if you can. Remember, Jesus within you is the hope of glory and your daily rescue. Ask Him for help. Agree with Him, trust He is for you. He will equip you with words of wisdom and grace and guide you in what needs to change–whether it be something in yourself or the situation around you.
Victory Through the Power of the Spoken Word
Your words have power. The words you speak will affect the atmosphere around you, whether it be for good or evil. Remember, things multiply according to their kind, so speak words of life and peace if you want life and peace.
- “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”—Proverbs 18:21
We are in the decade of pey (Hebrew years 5780-5789), which is the Hebrew word for “mouth”. Believers will be held accountable for every word they speak. Your words are your choice, a choice that impacts your walk in the fullness of your salvation. Choose to speak life!
A Prayer For Deliverance
“Father God, I give you my anger and repent of ways I’ve allowed the spirit of anger to have a stronghold in my life. I recognize that the spirit of anger walks hand in hand with the spirit of unforgiveness. In order to walk in the freedom of Your forgiveness, I must be willing to forgive others. Thank you, Lord, for the victory that I carry within me through Your gift of the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, I ask for direction and conviction as it pertains to the spirit of anger operating in my life. Reveal to me the people that have been hurt by my anger and my words. Allow me the strength and humility to ask for forgiveness from them. Reveal to me also what the emotion of anger may be speaking–reveal what needs to change in me or my situation. I commit myself to you, trusting you to fight for me and bring the justice only you can bring. Lord, I praise You that Your mercies are new each and every day. I ask for Your guidance as I continue to walk through the challenges of this life. I declare victory over the spirit of anger in the mighty name of Jesus Messiah, Yeshua HaMashiach. Amen.”