The Characteristics of a Covenant Partner Series: The Covenant of Consciousness (5)

Consciousness is the state or quality of awareness. Being aware of an external object or something within oneself. How does consciousness relate to our Covenant Partnership with God?

Unfortunately, we can be unconscious to the covenant. However, God is on the move, simultaneously within the Body of Christ and in our individual hearts; to awaken and walk in deeper intimacy and understanding in the covenant.

When intimacy and understanding enter a relationship, it becomes emotional. The Lord’s love demonstrates chesed. This Hebrew word is difficult to translate because it encompasses love, mercy, grace and kindness, in order to reveal a powerful and treasured characteristic of God.

When you become aware, there is a call to make a change.

Those who are in God’s family oftentimes long to have a deeper revelation of the relationship. Through this journey, you can become aware, or awakened if you will, of your conviction to change. Your flesh will attempt to stop the change, saying it will be too hard, too uncomfortable. Instead choose to listen to God’s voice. Change is safe in His presence.

God is fully aware of the difficulties that accompany change. He knows it is going to be emotional. Think about when you first fell in love with God. It is emotional to find Jesus. God wants this emotional love to burn with passion inside of your soul. Do not resist the transformation He is doing within you… embrace it!

The opportunity to experience the power of the Lord’s covenant transformation is available every day to those who hear the Gospel. I ask you… is the passion to partner with this transforming power being awakened within you?

Spiritual nourishment invites Holy Spirit.

Consciousness of our covenant relationship with God reveals a call to share the salvation that He offers through Christ with those in need. Covenant Partnership brings spiritual food and faith to the sick and infirmed. It invites Holy Spirit onto to the scene, allowing you to witness the mighty mercy and power of God to transform the lives of others, while also changing you, bringing you closer to Him.

“…Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice.’ For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”—Matthew 9:12-13

If you’ve ever been involved in ‘big business’ dealings, you know the importance of knowing the CEO. Having direct access to Chief Executive Officer, brings Him to the scene immediately. While we, in our flesh, turn transforming interactions upside down, God is perfect in His timing of restoration. He wants YOU to partner with HIM for His business, to show mercy and compassion to His people.

We ask you to prayerfully consider becoming a Covenant Partner with Curt Landry Ministries today. Your faithful monthly support will bless Israel, and God is faithful bless you as well.