Kingdom Finance Series | Wealth Transfer: Good Stewards of Great Wealth

Many people today talk about the “wealth transfer.” There are many of ideas about how and when this transfer will take place. The bottom line is that the Lord of all creation has given us great abundance, wealth and inheritance. He has called us to be good stewards of this plentiful supply.

What Type of Soil is Covering Your Roots?

Primarily, we must allow God to cleanse all contamination out of our root system. It is imperative that there is a covering of good soil over your roots. What does this mean? It means that you need to surround yourself with mature Believers and become a part of a house that has a personal interest in not exposing your flaws… but lovingly covering you in blessings.

You are the trees planted among the living water. We want to activate roots that are deep within and invite the Spirit in to change us.

There is Order in God’s Land… It is not a land of confusion.

I have been saying for many years, as have other trusted prophetic voices, that there is a transfer that will soon take place—a transfer of great financial wealth. This will come to the remnant in the Body of Christ who have been faithful to sow into the Kingdom. Many have shared that, “the camels are coming,” but as with everything there is a season and preparation process. There is an order in God’s land. You can be certain that God is always on time, and although many of us expected the return on this prophetic word to come right away, we have yet to see its results. We can be certain that He will prime and prep us before it arrives. He does this in order that the new will stick and not chip.

What is This Divine Order of Wealth Transfer?

  • First, just as we commemorate Passover in the spring, there is a deliverance that accompanies this time, as well. This symbolizes the removal of sin. The covering of blood over the door and over our lives signifies a great deliverance and covenant that has taken place.

“For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.”

—Matthew 26:28
  • To follow, the Lord allows the tests and trials to happen. This allows a cleansing of any mixture out of your root system. During this season, we must humble ourselves in prayer.

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way of everlasting.”

—Psalm 139:23-24
  • After the season of test and trials, there is an awakening blast. This sound of the trumpet is to reflect on what you learned in the battle and rejoice in God’s faithfulness.

“Also in the day of your gladness, in your appointed feasts, and at the beginning of your months, you shall blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; and they shall be a memorial for you before your God: I am the Lord your God.”

—Numbers 10:10
  • Lastly you realize that you need an atonement. There is revelation on not what do I get, but who you get. Your submission says, “I cannot do this anymore.” All of a sudden, the things that were once important don’t become important anymore. You never see God without being tested during the season of trials.

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all of these things shall be added to you.”

Matthew 6:33

Wealth Transfer and the Great Commission

When I’m talking about the transfer of wealth, it is NOT about how big the ministry will get, but rather, how small can we get and how LARGE will He manifest His glory. We must become less… and He must become more.

“He must increase, but I must decrease.”

—John 3:30

When covenant with God was broken in the garden it cursed the land, but when we broke covenant with Abraham that cursed the people. Genesis 12:3 says, “I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you…” The Bible has instruction for us. Do we want to be found on God’s side?

Coming Together as the One New Man Ignites the Great Commission…

We are part of God’s plan to bring nations together. The One New Man demonstrates the reconciliation of Yeshua’s blood. The Lord makes us stones that we may come boldly to the throne. The focus is bringing glory to the one true God, and others will be drawn to it. We have the power of the blood, because what Abraham couldn’t do, Christ did. He restored covenant for ALL men. The only way to the glory is through the blood.

We are a generation that has become so diluted with false doctrine and anticipation on what might be coming or what we think will happen, that we are likely to miss out on what actually will come. It will be much more holy, pure and powerful than we could ever anticipate.

There is a power that is coming. He is transferring wealth to ministries that will truly show Christ to others. The transfer will not go to those who build themselves up, but to those who focus on the saving power of Yeshua’s blood.

Be a part of your Father’s business…

With contamination on what might come we must be persevere in the midst of the battle, casting out anything accomplished through a religious spirit. Get in a place of godliness and contentment, this has great gains. The Lord paid for it all. When you focus on seeking His Kingdom and His business, you will then receive the transfer.

Pray wholeheartedly, that you want a pure infilling of what the Lord has in store for you.

The Holy Spirit will flow in you and through you, and into His Kingdom… then there will be a Shalom—a peace—overcome you that you have never experienced before.

A Business Analysis…

The motive behind you blessing Israel is not to be blessed, but because God wants to bless her. There have been times when we have blessed Israel and there was no manifestation of blessing back. You see, this is part of the test. We will continue to bless!

What is Your Motive?

God wants to purify the intention. Ask yourself in truth, “What is my motive? To build my kingdom, to be blessed… or?” There is only one reason to bless… and that is to be about your Father’s business.

Deuteronomy 8:18 says to ”…remember the Lord your God.” He is establishing His covenant within you for His reputation. Pray that He searches and knows your heart so that you do not interfere with His testimony. He’s looking for vessels to manifest in and testify through in order to demonstrate His goodness for the Kingdom.

A Circumcision of the Heart…

Ephesians 2:11 says, “Therefore remember that you, once Gentiles in the flesh—who are called Uncircumcision by what is called Circumcision made in the flesh by hands. ” No redemption of sin is carried out without the shedding of blood: Passover, Yom Kipper, circumcision, the Cross—all involve the shedding of blood.

His blood changes your blood. When that happens a blood transfusion takes place and you realize you are sons and daughters. The DNA of who you are is silenced by the DNA of who you can be in Christ. This has to be a circumcision of the heart.

Circumcision is of where we produce there is a price to pay. A sign of being under that instruction of God and being aware and concerned about where my seed goes. And that when it reproduces it does after the instruction that came from God.

Releasing and Activating the Transfer

“He sent His word and healed them; and delivered them from their destructions.”

—Psalm 107:20

Do you want to partner with the Lord in stewardship of His people and His land? Make yourself available for a transformation and activate it by faith!

  1. Preparation is everything. When you say that you want a transfer, He will sift out impurities and sand down the edges. The Lord continuously shapes you into the image of His Son. He wants the new to stick, therefore He must cleanse the contaminates. Prepare yourself for the preparation process.
  2. He’ll use His Word. As you read the Word of God in the preparation process you will notice He speaks to you in ways He never has before. Verses will reveal any issues of the heart. How you respond is important. He will show you wounds in your roots. Allow the Lord to fix, fill and restore them.

“For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

—Hebrews 4:12
  1. Love and worship the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul. Those who listen and receive instruction for the purpose, will boast in the Lord. The worship in there heart will be honorable. Your generosity reflects your worship life. If there is an imbalance there will be confusion.
  2. Trust God’s righteousness. When we don’t trust we are immediately cursed to try to prove that we are right. When you trust, there is no pressure on you to try to prove anything to anyone. This is why the Lord must heal you at the root. Be around encouraging friends that forgive continuously.
  3. Remember. The act of remembering is mentioned over and over in the Bible. Why??? Because we forget so easily. Develop a system of remembering the Lord daily. Honor Him and spend some quality time with Him.
  4. Pray. This part of activation is imperative. Pray that the Lord will purify any spots and heal you. Ask Him to bless you to protect the His reputation. Pray a prayer of submission: “I am available to be a testimony. Finish Your testimony in me. I activate it in Yeshua’s Name.”

For more on this topic, [Click Here] for the entire Wealth Transfer Series.

We would love to pray for you in this area. Be sure to contact our prayer team as we journey together for a breakthrough in your life.

Keep checking back as we examine practical applications in our Kingdom Finance Series.