How to Hear God’s Voice

Often times we are told that we must listen for God’s voice when we pray to help us make important decisions in our lives. But what exactly does this mean? How do we know when God is communicating with us?

Here are a few different ways to open your mind and heart to what God is saying to you:

  • Reading scripture: There is no better way to receive spiritual inspiration than to spend some time reading and reflecting on scripture. As is written in II Timothy 3:16-17: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
  • Confirmation: When you start having multiple people within a relatively short amount of time telling you the same thing that is in response to a topic you have been praying about, this is likely no accident. Matthew 18:16 reads “By the mouth of two or three witnesses, every fact may be confirmed.”
  • Circumstances/timing: Does it ever seem like something has happened in your life that is far too perfect or fitting to be a complete circumstance? There are certainly many coincidences that happen in our lives, but it is certainly reasonable to believe that many of these are the work of God.
  • Prayer and meditation: Sometimes taking a few moments out of our busy lives to pray and meditate can provide us with clarity we would not otherwise be able to achieve. It is at these moments that we can most clearly hear the voice of God.
  • Going where God speaks to you: Perhaps, for example, you feel more spiritually “in tune” when you are outside, in the woods, at the beach, etc. Perhaps you have a quiet spot in your home where you enjoy relaxing and reflecting. Location can make a big difference in our ability to hear God’s voice.
  • Eliminate distractions: Spend some time away from technology and other distractions so let yourself better focus on what God is saying to you.

Try some of these methods to see if you are better able to hear God’s message. He is surely speaking to you!