The Blessing of Benevolence

“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.”—Galatians 6:10

An act of kindness, desiring to do good toward others; these are essence of benevolence. Benevolence is often thought of in terms of money provided by a group or congregation of Believers. However, as God claims, His Word is deep and is sharper than a two-edged sword. Let us then dive into what God says about this notable word.

Benevolence is defined as, “goodwill or disposition to do good.” In Galatians, Paul gives a deeper sense of the word. He tells us that we are given opportunities to help and to think of others. Look around your world today, is there someone in need? There always is. Sometimes we are the ones in need. Being disadvantaged does not necessarily point to financially needy individuals, but possibly to those who are in need of a simple gift of time… or a listening ear.

Paul also writes about guidelines when it comes to caring and instructing our brothers and sisters in Christ. Before he writes about doing good to all, he encourages us not to grow weary. At times, when we are giving, we can get bogged down with lies from the enemy about why we should not be charitable, kind, or helpful. God knows our struggles with benevolence and the peace that He accompanies with it. This was Paul’s intention when writing to the Galatians. He wanted to remind them to focus on God’s design for us to provide for others and do good in love.

In the context, Paul teaches us to share in all good things. This is not limited to financial support, but pertains to sharing burdens; from emotional to financial.

The enemy’s lies can echo in our minds telling us that we have nothing to give. This is not God’s truth. We all have a unique gifting that God has bestowed upon us. Ask God to show you what your gift of benevolence is. Trust that He will place a person in your life who needs your gift of goodwill, just as He will also place you in the path of someone who desires to show kindness and charity to you.

The call to provide and share is found throughout God’s Word. This was His design of how to identify with His chosen people, a reflection of His own character. Others will be able to identify your gracious gifts, giving you an opportunity to share Yeshua’s saving grace with them.

“If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?”—1 John 3:17

Meditate on this Word today, asking the Spirit to guide you in the way you should go.

We would love to lift you up in encouraging prayer during your journey of goodwill. Please [CLICK HERE] to set up a time that works for you. God loves a cheerful giver. Ask Him to place His desire of gracious benevolence in your heart today. God is eager to have your trust in Him, not that you give to get, but that you fully trust in His Word, knowing that in season you will reap if you do not lose heart.