Taking Some Initiative


“Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.”—James 4:17

Perhaps this is something you struggle to do, seeing something that needs to be done… but fear holds you back. I ask you now, what is it that you are fearful of? Failure? What others will think? Or perhaps the unknown of how the details of the initiative that God is asking you to take will work out?

These strongholds the enemy wants to hold over your life is nothing compared to the abundant blessings God promises through obedience of initiative!

“God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind.”—2 Timothy 1:7

Rest assured that your desire to increase the gift of initiative will bring forth a great harvest in your life, as obedience releases blessings! God promises to guide you through His instruction. The result may not be exactly what you had in mind, but remember… God is in control! Pray that the fear of taking a step of initiative is broken away from you today. I will be praying alongside of you!

Sometimes it is easier to think and talk about taking action, but God gives us His perspective in James 4:17. Once the Holy Spirit identifies for us the action needed, God gives us His strength to do it! We do not need to be asked by others, God has already placed it on our hearts to take initiative. It is a gift from Him!

If a spirit of fear is holding you back, you may only see the effort and work that will go into the initiative, not the great blessing that comes out of it. I encourage you now to take that step of initiative in faith. You may not yet see the great reward on the other side, but you don’t want to miss out on what God has in store for you through the endeavor!

Most of the time, while being limited in our understanding, we get stuck in believing that only someone else will benefit from our initiative, but God’s ways are higher than our ways. Through your journey of self-discipline and obedience in initiative, when you are walking with Him in His plans, He will bless you lavishly. Being close with Him through your initiative, brings you true peace and joy. He desires to bless you!

I encourage you to be prayerful about your initiative. The enemy wants to counterfeit it as quickly as God lays it on your heart, and to get you off of God’s perfect path. So, we must remember to ask God, through every step, if the plan of initiative is for Him and lines up with His character and fruit. The Holy Spirit is the best coach and counselor for guiding us along the right path for God’s glory.

The Godly Strength of initiative will help you power through oppositions, set-backs, failures and fear. It is not about getting recognition or being the leader, but aligning your motives with what God has in store for you!

I hope this has been an encouragement for you today. Curt Landry Ministries would love to pray with you about an increase and discernment for this Godly Strength of initiative. As always, our team is standing by, and ready to pray with you. Please call us at: 888-932-7850 .