Rabbi Curt Landry Answers Your Questions About Kingdom Authority

Wondering why the promises of God and Kingdom authority aren’t manifesting in your life? In this podcast, Rabbi Curt Landry talks openly and honestly about some of the reasons many men and women of God aren’t walking in Kingdom authority. 

He answers questions from the audience and listeners, such as…

  • Why do I experience anxiety and fear with the Word says I have been given a sound mind?
  • Why do I need to meditate on the Word both day and night, renewing my mind?
  • How do habitual sins and generational curses stand in the way of my authority?
  • How do I come out of agreement with the flesh?

It is time to seek first the Kingdom of God. Write the vision of what He has given you. See how this vision is connected to your identity and purpose, and ask Him to breathe new life into you, empowering your hands as you begin to walk in Kingdom authority. 

Transcription from Podcast (Revised for Readability)

Rabbi Curt Landry here with Ancient Principles, Kingdom Authority.


I’m enjoying these podcasts as I answer your questions, and I hope that as I answer other people’s questions, it’s connecting some dots for you. 

Ancient principles bring Kingdom authority into the here and now. Because if you understand the past, it helps you to be empowered for your future.

Surrendering Then and Now

So your question today is, “How did you surrender early in your faith walk compared to now? Is there a difference in how you responded and surrendered?”  

Where I was… 

Understand that I got saved at 36. At 46 years old, I was involved with getting airplanes, Boeing 747s, out of Seattle to Russia, loading them up with our people, Jewish people, and bringing them to Israel. That was a season of bringing ships from Tarsus. We were operating as entrepreneurial businessmen. I was a fruit broker. We were operating with high levels of kingdom finances with others in the 7 Mountains of Influence. We were 7 Mountain Influencers. We were brokers and business people. So it’s very different than what I do now.

Then, I would worry about what would happen. If there was a scale from 1 to 5, I was at a 3 or a 4 most of the time. I had very little patience. I was younger, driven, and very inexperienced with the Lord. 

Where I am now… 

The biggest difference at 68 is that my worry factor is generally at a 1 or 2 because of the experiences I’ve had in 30 years. When I hear the Lord ask me to do something, I don’t put any timetable on it. He may ask me to do something, and it is actually a step that will happen 10 years from now.

Through my experiences, God has taught me not to worry and be patient. Now I get more done with less. That would be the biggest difference. And now I see…

  • More miracles
  • More favor
  • More signs and wonders

More now than I did when I was worrying, striving, and trying to make things happen. I now manage more finances in the Kingdom as a full-time, apostolic-type person than I did in the corporate world. So, it was a journey, and there was a pendulum that swung.

In short, surrendering now is about patience, trust, and conserving my energy. 

There’s a certain amount of fatigue. Now, I don’t have the energy to strive, and I don’t have the power to fight with people or circumstances. I have to be very careful with my energy, so I keep it in a good river. When I was younger, I had plenty of energy to strive and to fight. The beauty of enjoying older age is that I’m happier and more excited about life now than I was then because of what I just said. 

How to Become Strong Men and Women of God

You’ve asked, “Many Believers don’t walk in power and authority. How do they become strong men and women of God?” Well, let me say that they can’t, but let me explain. 

I was listening to a testimony of Justin Bieber. And he says, “Listen, I believe in Jesus, but I don’t walk with Jesus.” I thought, “Okay, that makes sense.” 

And then he said to the interviewer

  • “The reason I don’t walk with Jesus is that when I first got saved, I was surrounded by these kinds of Believers (the ones we’re talking about). They say they’re Christians. They’re in the Christian culture but don’t have power and authority because they’re really not walking in authority.” 

He went on to say,

  • “They say one thing and do another.” 

I’ve seen this so many… In sports, in business, in the places that I interact with, and in government. These powerful people are saved, and then the enemy surrounds them with weak Christians, and all they do is lay a fake witness, and people follow that. And then they say, “Well, it doesn’t work.” That’s why you hear me say, “Show me your friends, I’ll show you your future. And then show me the books you read, and I’ll show you how fast you’re going to get to that future.” 

Because you need to invest in your intelligence in the Lord and hang out with people who are doing and going where you want to go, you’re going to get there.

Because I’ve been around a lot of people, there’s only one road, and it’s narrow, and few that find it (Matthew 7:14). And if you don’t walk in authority, you’re not going to fulfill what God asked you. It takes that surrender and that authority.

Why Do So Many Experience Anxiety and Fear?

Your next question, “In 2 Timothy 1:7, it says we have a sound mind. Why do so many still experience anxiousness and fear?”

You have to look at that whole scripture. It says, “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but the spirit of a sound mind.” 

So the key is you have to face your fears first. 

  • That’s what the whole faith walk is about. Once you surrender to God, He starts kind of calling your fears out, like Moses with the Pharaoh. “All right, let’s bring out the flies, let’s bring out the blood, let’s bring out the hail and the death angel.” So everything starts to come out because you need that testimony in your life of overcoming. 

So the reason you don’t have a sound mind is because you have fears yet to face and surrender to God. You have to exchange your fears for faith in God through His love. Faith works through love. 

The Plumbing to Power

So if you look at the power of faith, it needs plumbing, no different than in your house. If you want water to come into the kitchen or the restroom, then there have to be pipes that take it from one source to that location. 

In your spiritual walk, love is the pipe, faith operates in it, and it goes where the love has directed it to go. So if you follow the Father in love, you’ll pour out what God has given you in the right location. Because you know what it’s like when water pours out in a house in the wrong location. Yeah, that’s what’s called an insurance claim.

Why Meditate on God’s Word Day and Night?

Your next question is, “Why are we to renew our minds daily and meditate on God’s Word both day and night?” 

This question comes from Joshua 1: 7-8…

  • “’Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.’”

So think about where this scripture came from. Here’s Moses, the greatest leader, the deliverer of all these great miracles. And Joshua worked for Moses. He was under Moses. And now, Moses is dead. But now they are going to go into the Promised Land and the calling he talked about for over 40 years, and they have waited for hundreds of years. Who’s going to lead these people? Joshua.

So what does God say to him? “Moses is dead. As I was with Moses, so I am with you. Meditate on the Word of God, day and night, that you might be of great success.” Why is that “day and night” mentioned? 

Everything in your life cycles in 24 hours, and the Word of God has to cycle through your mind, will, emotions, and spirit-man every 24 hours. Just like you must eat and drink, you have to eat and drink the Word so that it transforms you, not so much for what was, but its energy to renew you for what is to come for that day.

Do Habitual Sin and Generational Curses Prevent You from Operating in Power?

You ask, “Do habitual sins and generational curses play a role in our inability to operate and power, love, and a sound mind?”

When you’re in habitual sin, what does the scripture say about your needs? Ask, and you shall receive. But in the Book of James, it says, “…you ask amiss.” Why? The disciples of Yeshua are being corrected here. They were quarreling, fighting, and envious amongst themselves.

He said, “As long as you are fighting amongst yourselves, then you can ask, but you’re not going to receive.” So habitual sin and generational curses that produce habitual bad choices that are counted as sin separate you from your ability to love others. This is because inside, you’re portraying yourself. 

That’s why the Lord took 613 mitzvot in the Hebrew laws–instruction 613–and narrowed them down to two…

  • Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy mind, with all thy will. 
  • Love thy neighbor as you love yourself.

So when you have habitual sin, and you’re not repenting for it, and it could be rooted in a generational curse or not, it doesn’t really matter. 

But when you are constantly sinning to the point that you’re so familiar to you that you don’t even know you’re sinning anymore, then you have no authority in the spirit, and you have difficulty loving others because inside, you have betrayed yourself. So, you do not love yourself. The only way to love yourself is to repent to God for the habitual sin and the generational curses sin in your life and ask the Lord to refresh and renew your love with Him and your love for yourself so that you can give that love to others.

How to Come Out of Agreement with the Flesh and into Agreement with Authority in Christ

You ask, “How do we truly get out of agreement with the works of our flesh so that we can walk in greater authority in Christ?” The key is surrender. We talked about that earlier.

If you’re striving, these are issues of the heart. If you’re striving, you’re fearful and doubtful. Fear, doubt, and unbelief are sins. They’re just as bad a sin as pornography, robbing, stealing, and murder. It’s all the same thing. 

So, to get out of agreement with the flesh, walk by faith. Here’s how… The Lord’s going to ask you to do something that you have to have faith to accomplish. If everything you’re doing, you are able to do with your own talents and abilities in the flesh, then that’s not really walking by faith.

  • Walking by faith is doing the best you can do, asking the Lord to bless the works of your hands, then he’ll breathe on it, and by faith, He’ll ten times it or make it exponential, and He’ll breathe growth into it. But you know it’s God; you don’t think it was you. You don’t take credit for it; you give all the credit to Him.

So how do you get out of agreement with the flesh? 

  • First of all, you seek first the Kingdom of God. You write the vision of what He’s asked you to do according to Habakkuk 2. You make it plain.
  • Go to our webpage, and get Goals to Grow By. There’s a questionnaire that’s there. It’s a free download. Fill out the questionnaire. Write the things down, and then look at how you answer those questions. Then look at what God is asking you to do because those questions pull out your heart’s desire, which are connected to your purpose, identity, and calling in Christ. 
  • Then think about what you will do by faith to start walking the path you wrote down. 

When you start to walk in it by faith, and things still go wrong, you won’t stop and question. You’ll keep walking one day at a time.

Closing Prayer

You’ve asked, “Can you pray with us? We feel like we may never break through. We need someone to believe in us and remind us of who we are in Christ.”

Well, I’d be honored to do that, and I’m going to end with that.

I want you, by faith, if you’re listening to this podcast or watching it, I just want you to extend your hand. Symbolically, as if you were here, I would put your hand in mine. I want to tell you that God loves you. He’s no respecter of persons. He created you for a purpose. He sent His son to pay the price for your life, and He will finish what He started. 

Let me pray. I’m extending my hand to you, and I’m going to ask that you symbolically just put your hand in my hand like we’re shaking hands, and I want you to hear this.

The Lord loves you. He created you in His image. He said, “It is good.” You are good. God is good. God is love. God wants to bless you. God is not a man that He should lie. God is sending His Holy Spirit to you right now to empower you for a breakthrough. Say, “I receive it. I receive a fresh baptism of His Holy Spirit with fire to consume all doubt and unbelief tied to bondages. I surrender to victory. I release all my fears and leave every fear at the foot of the cross. I exchange fear for faith. I exchange doubt for belief. I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus, who strengthens me. I decree His Word that I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me.

“I thank You, Lord, that You have called me to prosper and bless the works of my hands. I am blessed of the Lord. I am a son or a daughter of the King. He desires to fulfill His covenant promises in and through me, and I receive them. I surrender to all written in my books in Heaven and all the workmanship I’m called to. I desire to walk in that nothing less, nothing more. And I know that it will be exceedingly, abundantly above all I could ask or think when I walk in it. So Father God, in Yeshua’s name, I come out of agreement with the thought that I can’t break through because I’m breaking through right now. In Yeshua’s name.”

Well, God bless you. See you in the next podcast. And remember, the more you dig into God’s ancient principles, the more Kingdom authority you’ll walk in today and the rest of your life. Shalom.


Curt Landry, founder of Curt Landry Ministries, and his wife, Christie, travel extensively, preaching and teaching about the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. Together, their passion is to empower families to live and leave Kingdom legacies and understand their own personal heritage.