A Prophetic Word on Wholeness | God Is Unifying Your Body, Soul, and Spirit

In this podcast, Rabbi Curt Landry discusses how the Lord laid on his heart the message he released at Passover. The message is a message of unity and wholeness.

Rabbi Curt Landry explains the prophetic significance and power of the number 3—2023 and the Hebrew year 5783—tying it to the wholeness God is releasing, unifying our bodies, souls, and spirits, manifesting the 3-stranded cord so that we are not easily broken.

There is much confusion and chaos in our lives. Our minds wander, our emotions go one way or another, our spirits are disrupted, and we aren’t sure which way to go. But there is hope in God’s Word, and the beauty and power He released during Passover help us step into the next season with confidence that He will give us clarity, health, and prosperity in our call.

Don’t miss this powerful word in this podcast! 

Transcription from Podcast (Revised for Readability)

Shalom, Rabbi Curt Landry here with Ancient Principles, Kingdom Authority. One of the things that I’ve discovered in my life is this: When you can understand the ancient principles in the Bible, it actually gives you kingdom authority in this hour and in this time. There’s something remarkable about learning and tapping into that inheritance that you have with the Lord biblically. This is why I’m doing this podcast.

So I want to answer some of your questions that have come in post-Passover and Resurrection Sunday. 

How Did the Prophetic Theme for Passover Come About?

“How did you arrive at the prophetic theme for this year, 2023, for Passover? And why?” 

So I’m just going to take you into my notes of what I sent to the staff when we prayed. We asked, “What do we really feel like the Lord is speaking during this particular Passover in this season?”

So I will walk you through this podcast, the notes I sent to our staff, and all the materials we have built off these principles, and they’re very prophetic by nature

The Numbers: 2023 and the Biblical Year 5783

The critical number in this is 5783. That is the biblical year. 

  • 5 = Grace
  • 7 = Completeness/fullness 
  • 8 = New beginnings
  • 3= Wholeness 

And I really feel like this Passover had to do with wholeness. And then, if you go into the Gregorian year, our year we’re in now, 2023, you see… 

  • You have 20, a multiple of 5. That is 5 times 4, and 4 is dalet in Hebrew, which means door. You have a grace-door.
  • Then you have 2, another multiple of 20, so it’s double. 
  • Then you have a 3, just like in the biblical year, which is wholeness. 

So what the Lord was dealing with me was that this is a year to target how to bring the Passover and Resurrection Sunday into a place of releasing spiritual wholeness for you and us. And I believe that’s what happened. 

So I believe 3 represents wholeness, but it also represents something that really is a principle that our ministry has used and believed in—the 3-stranded cord. And, of course, it comes out of Ecclesiastes, and it’s the wisdom of Solomon inspired by the Lord.  

In short, Solomon was saying that one is easily overtaken, and two is not so easy. But a threefold or a 3-stranded cord is not easily broken. And that represents spiritual and practical and biblical wholeness

May Your Spirit, Soul, and Body Be Whole (1 Thessalonians 5:23)

You have a soul (mind, will, and emotions). You have a body, and you have a spirit. If you’ve had seasons of wholeness, where you are walking in health, your body is healthy, you have a clear direction, and your soul and spirit are aligned, you are in wholeness.  

The number 3 is a powerful number of wholeness. It is also represented in the triune God…

  • God the Father
  • God the Son
  • God the Holy Spirit

That’s a threefold chord. 

When you are born-again, then you actually become three in one

  • You are one with God the Father, and God the Son, and the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in you, that creates three.

The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob | The Covenant-Keeping God

When covenant statements are made in the Bible, you’ll notice God is described as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And it’s three again. This represents the covenant-keeping nature of God. 

Passover 2023 had to do with unifying your body, soul, and spirit to where you become whole and unified. 

  • This word from the Lord battles the chaos and confusion that comes when your mind wanders one way, your emotions go another way, and your spirit is in total disruption, and it doesn’t know which way it feels like it should go. 

Purim Then Passover

Passover 2023/5783 is a unification of God’s covenant, which really started at Purim when God prepared us to answer the call like Esther, and we said, “Okay, Lord, send me, I’ll go before the king, and I’ll do what you’ve asked me to do.”

Then came Passover, and the Lord said, “It’s a divine time for Me to establish My covenant with you through the blood of the Lamb. So go into the house, put the blood on the doorpost and the lentils, and consume all the lamb. But here’s the key, it’s time to leave Egypt.” 

What’s It Mean “It’s Time to Leave Egypt?”

So when we see things like we’re going to leave Egypt, that means that Hellenized Greek thinking for more of a Hebraic spiritual thought process. 

  • Hebraic biblical thought rests and functions in the liberty of the Holy Spirit.
  • Hellenized Greek thought trusts in gods that can’t deliver any kind of revelatory spiritual power.

When we leave Egypt, that aligns with the True God, the Creator of Heaven and earth, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 

So if you look at the whole Passover story, it’s about Israel being in captivity as slaves, and the Lord is removing them from being slaves in Egypt, taking them into a wilderness to birth a nation of kings and priests so that they can actually go into the Promised Land as God’s chosen people.

And so, the unification of covenant of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob was the main purpose of the 3 cups of Passover this year. 

I believe that stepping into wholeness will result in…

  • Your mind being redeemed
  • Your body being healed
  • Your spirit being empowered with hope and direction  

By the time we got to the fourth cup of praise, there was empowerment and excitement of moving out of where we’ve been and embracing where we need to go, where our dream goals are empowered with the anointing of God and empowered with the power of God.

This Year Is the Year of Equipping the Saints

So this year is the year of equipping the saints so that they can walk in Kingdom authority. 

  • Kingdom authority is not diplomatic, it’s not democratic, it’s not a republic, it’s not a dictatorship. 
  • Kingdom authority is released when you know the God of the universe as King and His Son paid the price so you can move into that sonship. There’s a shift in your mind, dreams, behavior, and patterns. 

If you’ll draw more onto God now, draw nigh unto Him, He’ll draw a nigh onto you. Your victory is more about keeping in alignment with God, keeping at peace with God, and saturating yourself in His Word and praise and meditation.

The Lord told Joshua, “Moses is dead, but as I was with Moses, so I am with you. Now, you’re going to go into the Promised Land, but you need to meditate on the word of God day and night so that you might be of great success.” This is where God wants to take you. 

Passover Ignites a Hunger and Desire to Know God’s Ways

So something about a fire that comes during Passover ignites a hunger and a desire to know and walk in God’s ways and purposes. And one of the things that fuel the fire is taking that first cup of Passover (the cup of sanctification) and saying to the Lord, “Yes, Lord, I want to take this cup.” 

You come into a covenant agreement with your personal identity of Christ in you. You say, “You are in me, then I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” And there’s something about that first cup of that Passover where you understand what Yeshua said in Luke, “With fervent desire, I desire to have this Passover with you before I suffer.”

So Jesus’ blood and the Passover offering of His own life gave us Kingdom authority through kingdom identity. And that’s one of the keys to the real thrust of understanding ancient principles and kingdom authority. Your mind must start applying ancient biblical principles. And one of the ways we did that is we activated those during the Passover, and you can go back in the archives and see where all three of the cups were complete covenant activation

We made proclamations and decrees for you, and you made with us. These decrees and proclamations changed your thoughts and words to align with what was written the books of Heaven for you. It puts a demand on them to manifest in Jesus’ name. 

The Cups of Passover

What happens at the Passover Seder? You partake in the cups…  

The cup of sanctification: 

This means the spiritual covenant, a legal term that means you are coming in agreement with repentance and complete forgiveness in Yeshua. Your sins are expunged, which means removed from the record as if never committed. No record of wrong. 

You read in the Bible that the wind of the Lord comes down during the Passover, during the sacrifices at the temple, and the wind takes the ashes and blows them as far as from the north, south, east, and west. What it’s saying is that even in the ashes of your sin, He’s going to bring beauty out of ashes because He’s going to blow them back so that no one can make an accusation again. There’s nowhere to find these ashes because they have been totally separated from you.

The cup of healing: 

The cup of healing is coming into agreement that by His stripes, you are healed. This cup reminds us of the deliverance of the plagues of Egypt but also represents healing from sickness and disease. 

The cup of redemption:

The cup of redemption is the cup Jesus held at the Passover table prior to His death and resurrection when He said, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood which is shed for you.” It is a cup of the joyous redemption we have in Yeshua, communion, and fellowship with the King because of His work on the cross. This cup is often what we think of as communion.

When Yeshua came to be baptized by John the Baptist, John had proclaimed by the Spirit, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29). So, when Jesus now said, “Do this in remembrance of Me,” [Luke 22:19] He was not canceling Passover, but embracing it. Because this was the Passover, He empowered the cup of redemption as only the Messiah could do—by His soon-coming death on the cross and resurrection from the grave.

Next Time We Will Look at Moses’ Staff…

Next time I will share a powerful prophetic word about the power of Moses’ staff. And I believe that God is increasing His authority in you and us. We can agree that Moses started as a shepherd, but then he became a miracle worker and that the staff God gave him became a symbol of bringing Heaven to earth. And, of course, for us, that staff is the cross of Jesus Christ, and the power of that which He paid for, that same staff and more is operating for you and me. So I want to pray for you.


“Father God, I just thank You so much for each and every one of those listening, that they will have an encounter with You in this Passover season, and that Holy Spirit, You would navigate, direct and bring purpose and power into this year to come.

I would encourage you to go ahead and go to Curtlandry.com, go to our YouTube channel, and watch the Passover if you haven’t seen it. Yes, it’s so powerful. And if you want, you can download our Passover guide and other free downloads at Curtlandry.com.  You can actually take the elements and go ahead and have a Passover now.

I know it’s past Passover, but you’re still able to say and take the bread, the cup, and the elements and join us and make the decrees, make the proclamation. You can even sow your Passover seed if you would like. It’s not too late. This isn’t legalism here. This is all by faith.

I believe God has a special Passover blessing just for you. So go ahead, and I encourage you to embrace, receive, and enjoy it. Because of the nine blessings of Passover, which I’ll be talking about here in some of our next podcasts, they’re phenomenal. 

What a blessing to know and activate, believe, and receive these nine blessings that come with celebrating Passover as you put your feet under His table. So anyway, thank you for joining me with Ancient Principles, Kingdom Authority. And may the Kingdom authority in you arise and your enemies be scattered. Shalom, this is Rabbi Curt Landry.


Curt Landry, founder of Curt Landry Ministries, and his wife, Christie, travel extensively, preaching and teaching about the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. Together, their passion is to empower families to live and leave Kingdom legacies and understand their own personal heritage.