Preparation is Key to Fulfilling Our Purpose

Preparation is key. 

When we look at biblical stories, it is interesting to see the preparation that God led His people in, and how sometimes, those involved were intentional in that preparation… and sometimes they were not. 

Certainly, with God, all preparation is by design; but how does the intention of His people affect the outcome? How does God prepare us for our calling and purpose before and after we are aware of what it is?

Discover how God’s preparation behind the scenes, and the preparation in which He guides us, work together to bring about God’s purpose for our lives… and how it is beyond even our imagination!

Understanding Hidden Preparation

The hidden preparation each of us undergo for our calling—due to God’s hand and care—is absolutely amazing. Often it is not until years later, when we have some knowledge of our purpose and call, that we can begin to understand the magnitude of all God has done… 

Even then, we likely only see a glimpse of the connected threads that cause our life to take shape and ultimately connect to God’s Kingdom.

“Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”

—1 Peter 5:6-7

“For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.”

—1 Corinthians 13:12

We can all look back and see God’s hand on our lives. His ‘secret preparation’ for our true purpose and call…

But what of those in God’s Word? Did God prepare biblical figures before they answered their call? 

Hadassah—later known as Esther—is one such figure whom God prepared before she answered her call for ‘such a time as this’…

Hadassah—Orphan to Queen

Born to Jewish parents residing in the Persian kingdom, Hadassah soon found herself orphaned and living with her cousin, Mordecai—the man who would raise her.

This upbringing may not have appeared to connect Hadassah to her future call of serving as queen and saving her people, but behind the scenes, God was preparing her. God was having her guided and raised by a man of character, knowledge, and Godly wisdom. 

God was putting her in the right place, at the right time, in order to answer her call.

“…Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

—Esther 4:14

God was working behind the scenes…

  • Preparing the way for the Persian queen Vashti to be removed so that Hadassah could take her place as Queen Esther.
  • Leading Hadassah to the palace with the other beautiful women so she could be chosen as queen.
  • Allowing her a year’s time to shift her body and heart to the coming season.
  • Giving her great favor with those she encountered.

Further, God prepared Hadassah’s character through her upbringing, causing her obedience to Mordecai—with his request for her to hide her identity—to set her on the path to eventually save her people.

God even prepared the heart of the Persian king to love Esther… to choose her above the many other women he could have selected as queen.

From there, God directed Esther to INTENTIONALLY enter into preparation in order to save her people. Choosing prayer, fasting, and God’s timing to find favor with the king as she answered her purpose and call in greater fullness!

David—Shepherd to King

David’s story contains many similar aspects—for, from humble beginnings, God raised David into a position of leadership…

David was the eighth son of Jesse and great-grandson of Boaz and Ruth (see 1 Samuel 16 and Ruth 4:13-22). However, David was not Jesse’s favorite son, if Jesse’s actions are any indication. For he had David tending his sheep, running errands, and not spending much time with his family. Yet, this allowed David a unique preparation for his purpose and call…

For David did have MUCH time alone, and it allowed him to gain skills and character he may otherwise not have had.

Shepherding sheep, protecting them from lions and bears, meant that David needed to be able to defend them and himself. This led David to develop great skill with a sling, and likely, how to position himself to defeat an enemy—with God’s hand, help, and protection.

Yet, more than this, shepherding allowed David time alone with God. To discover God’s heart while he played the harp. 

David’s relationship with God laid the foundation for his purpose and call… it protected him, directed him, and taught him Godly principles—shaping David’s character.

All of these things—and more—were preparation for the stages of David’s purpose and call…

  • From Samuel—led by God—anointing David to be the next king rather than one of his older brothers…
  • To David trusting God as he took on the giant Goliath…
  • To David’s patience in his years of trials…
  • To David ultimately entering his place as king.

Certainly, there was intentional preparation on David’s part—with God leading—both before and during these stops on his journey… 

  • With preparing for Godly honor necessary for a Godly king by choosing to honor King Saul… even when Saul did not honor him.
  • Or with David having to choose patience, walking in self-control—aligning and preparing for God’s purpose.
  • David even had to prepare for his son Solomon’s purpose and call, through causing the kingdom to be safe, providing wealth, and even gathering many things needed for Solomon to build God’s Temple.

Yet, when viewing the journey of David as a whole, we see that much of the preparation God allowed David to experience involved ‘wilderness.’ Where David, away from cities or people, could get intimate with God… learning about God’s heart as he worshiped Him.

Preparing the shepherd boy to grow into a king…

The words are you ready written in a notepad near a pen.

We Do the Little Thing, God Does the Big

As we can see in the examples of David and Hadassah, most of the preparation was done by God… 

In fact, unless God told them prior, neither probably knew they would lead a nation. Neither probably understood that God was moving, even in the midst of their trials—like when Hadassah was orphaned or David left alone tending sheep. Yet, in the midst of it all, God not only protected them, but prepared them for great things… for purposes and callings above all they could ask or think!

Now, this does not mean they never were involved in their preparation. This does not mean that nothing had to be done by them to answer their purpose and call. No, in fact, each had to choose God’s path, even as He prepared them for a call not yet known.

Hadassah had to decide to follow the ways of God that Mordecai had laid down for her—to honor him, as her surrogate father, and obey him. She had to stand in trust and faith that God’s ways were best.

David had to decide to do many things. Worshiping God being one of the most important, but also trusting in God, having patience, and honoring God and His people. 

Certainly, in the grand scheme of things, what Hadassah and David did is nothing compared to what God did. Yet, that is how we see things play out time and time again. We—God’s children and people—do the little thing… and He does the big thing. 

Our preparation is key… our choice changes things!

We have to take that step of faith… to walk in self-control; to make honor a daily practice; or whatever that step may be for us.

Then God opens that door, or closes another. He directs us on His path so that we can answer our purpose and call. God does all that we cannot, creating a legacy and future that is beyond our imagination! One that is made perfect in Him.

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Preparation is Key! We Can Do the Little Thing…

Choosing obedience, or patience, or whatever it may be, can feel difficult. It can be opposite to what our flesh wants. But, by choosing to walk in God’s ways, we are able to find freedom as we prepare to answer our purpose and call.

In God we CAN do the ‘little thing.’ In Him we CAN go where He directs us; readying us for the big thing He is going to do!

It is time to take that step of faith, doing the little thing. It is time to prepare character and heart to receive new things, new wine. To see our purpose and call made manifest.