New Year’s Resolutions are Easy to Make


New year’s resolutions are easy to make, and according to Forbes magazine even easier to break. Did you know that on average only 8% of resolutions made are actually completed? 8%! That’s a startling number isn’t it.

Now that said, we don’t write this article to discourage you from making goals for the new year. In fact, I often share that the best way to achieve a goal is to just chose one.

If you’re a type A like myself, choosing just one area to perfect is difficult. I want it all done now, thank you very much! But that said, over the years I’ve found that when I try to accomplish two much in too little of a time period, nothing gets done right.

So, you heard me correct, just pick one thing you’d like to improve this coming year. Decide, that by this time next year, you will see certain results and go for it. If you can’t make just one decision, pick two, but I caution you to stop there.

Now, once you’ve chosen your goal here is the key. You must stay rooted and grounded in the Word to be successful. A few years back Joyce Meyers wrote a book titled, “The Battlefield of the Mind”, and that is exactly what we’re up against.

Whether it’s weight loss or financial freedom, limiting screen time or meeting new people… Whatever the target, a spiritual battle will be waged first and foremost.

Have you ever experienced great success only to self-sabotage? It happens to the best of us. Some of us are afraid to fail, while others struggle with the idea of being successful. When those attacks come, that is the time to run to the Word.


Here are some steps I take to be successful each year:

Spend Quality Time in the Word: It may seem like a given that a Believer in Christ should spend time daily immersing themselves in the Word of God, but not everyone follows that model. However, I find that all too often Believers are quick at forgetting this key step. In fact, I highly recommend if you are coming up against a major challenge in regards to a goal you’ve set, the most important thing you can do is seek the Lord.

-Limit negativity: Sometimes I’m my own worst critic. When I find myself grumbling and complaining I try to immediately repent. Then I run to the Word of God and speak His plans and purposes over my life.

-Surround yourself with encouraging people: We all need encouragement in our areas of weakness. Over the years God has placed trustworthy friends into my life as accountability partners. They are faithful to pray for me when I am distressed or disappointed.

Lisa Bevere recently put out a quote on her Facebook feed. “The enemy does not attack you according to your history. He attacks you according to your destiny.”

We must move towards His purpose for us. Be encouraged friends! We are made to be victorious! This year as you work towards a desired result, choose to partner with the Holy Spirit. Don’t be surprised if there are areas of healing that need to be dealt with as you travel together. Take time to evaluate the root issues that have limited success in the past.

If you follow the steps above, I can guarantee that you’ll see results…

 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” –Philippians 4:13

Curt Landry Ministries is believing that you will see great things in this new year! Above all else may you know that you are dearly loved and highly favored by the lord!