How to Pray for Other People

How to Pray for Other People If you are interested in supporting the work we perform with Curt Landry Ministries, one of the best ways to start is simply offering your prayers to the people of Israel. Many people, however, struggle with figuring out how exactly to pray for others, perhaps because they’re new to prayer or because they’re used to praying in different ways.

With that in mind, here are a few tips that can help you to get comfortable praying for others, even those located far across the world from you:

• Identify the specific need. Why exactly are you offering your prayers to God on these people’s behalf? Are you praying for the people of Israel to overcome poverty? Are you praying for an end to violence in the Middle East? Whatever the reason, you might find it easy to start by identifying and focusing on the specific need and reason for the prayer.

• Think about related needs. What needs to happen for violence to end in the Middle East, or for the poor citizens to get the education and hope they need? Think about these related needs and how you can incorporate them into your prayer.

• Be as simple or in-depth as you want. Remember: there really aren’t any rules to prayer, which is part of the beauty of it. It is your personal time to grow closer to God and, in these particular cases, speak with Him about the cares and concerns of the world. You don’t necessarily have to spend a significant amount of time going into detail about each issue — pray in whatever way makes you feel most connected and gives you a stronger feeling of peace.

• Add some praise and reflection. Many people say they feel guilty adding requests in their prayers because they don’t want prayer to feel like they’re always asking God for something and never thanking Him. Therefore, you might consider adding some praise, song or quiet reflection even in situations where you are praying on behalf of other people.

For more tips and more information about our work conducted in Israel by Curt Landry Ministries, we encourage you to contact us today.