Bridge to Independence

Curt Landry Ministries Bridge to Independence Apartment in Jerusalem – Summer 2014

(this update was provided by our friends in Israel)

I would like to live as in English grammar;" Present simple, Past perfect" Bina's Drawings

I would like to live as in English grammar;”
Present simple, Past perfect” Bina’s Drawings

There are currently five young ladies living in the apartment. Two of them are serving in the IDF, one is in the National Service, one a Business Management student and graduate of the National Service who is working and studying at the “Bezalel Academy of Art and Design”.

Most of the girls sleep at the apartment every day, including weekends, and manage the household independently, without needing any interference from their apartment’s accompanying social worker.

All of the girls are progressing and working according to the personal development plan which was written by the program’s staff together with the girls, upon their arrival into the program.

Eliah is combining full-time National Service with studies towards a certification in Physical Education, completing her first year these very days.

Bina has been working permanently in a bookstore for the past year, which represents a form of stability that had been completely foreign to her in her life before entering the program. In conjunction, she has started studying sketching and drawing at the “Bezalel Academy of Art and Design” in Jerusalem. She is determined, has saved a significant amount of money, and is preparing for an independent life in the community.

Tamar serves in the Military on the Home Front Command Unit in Jerusalem, while also working at the Haddassa Hospital Coffee Shop. Tamar receives psychological counseling in addition to the counseling and support of the apartment’s accompanying social worker.

Bar, graduate of the National Service, is currently completing her first year of Business Management studies on the orthodox track, while working at Beit El local Council Office in the Co-ordination Department.

Ortal recently completed her training to become a Non-Commissioned Officer in the Military as a Social Worker, caring for the needs and rights of 50 lonely combat soldiers who have no family backing – essentially caring for soldiers who come from very similar backgrounds to herself. She is successfully managing and coping with her own very serious emotional baggage from her family, as well as financial and emotional difficulties, while also supporting and caring for the soldiers.

The girls see the apartment as their HOME, and invest a lot of energy in keeping it clean and tidy and on ensuring the sense of security and stability that a home should provide, but which theirs never did.

In October of this year we will be celebrating the first year anniversary of the opening of the apartment and we see this apartment as a model of success and as a critical element in the effective integration of the girls into the community.

For more information about Curt Landry Ministries Safe House program and how you can make a difference in the lives of children and young adults like Eliah, Bina, Tamar, Bar, and Ortal please CLICK HERE.

Curt Landry Ministries Safe House