Breaking Free from Generational Curses

Breaking free from generational curses is a process of getting set free from a sin structure that has run through your family line. These sin structures or familial issues seem to flow from generation to generation. They can be issues such as…

  • Divorce
  • Addiction
  • Cancer
  • Chronic illnesses
  • Poverty
  • Physical, sexual, or emotional abuse

These curses have landed upon you or those in your family line because the accuser of the brethren used something in the past against your family in the Courts of Heaven. He has brought accusations against you. 

The good news is that breaking free from generational curses is made possible because Jesus paid the price for your freedom! As a born-again Believer covered by the blood of Jesus…

  • You have a right to be set free
  • You have a right to enter the Courts of Heaven
  • You have a right to approach the Righteous Judge who sits on the throne
  • You have a right to call on the blood of Jesus, the One who is seated at the right hand of the Father

Entering the Courts of Heaven and Breaking Free from Generational Curses

As we pray, we enter into the Courts of Heaven. As the Bible states, we have a Righteous Judge who sits on the throne. Psalm 50 describes the majesty and wisdom of our Righteous Judge who sits on the throne in Heaven. 

When we pray in God’s Courts for curses to be cut off, we actively and intentionally move in and request freedom. This breaking free from the generational curses is granted and recorded in Heaven’s books. 

What are Courts of Heaven Prayers?

Courts of Heaven prayers are proclaimed in the throne room of God with a conscious understanding that His court is the spiritual control center for the universe with ultimate authority.

What is a Generational Curse?

Generational curses run through your family line as part of your spiritual DNA. They are the result of a sin structure that is common among family members. These sin structures can be issues such as divorce, addiction, cancer, illness, poverty, or sexual abuse. 

You will often see these curses repetitively move from generation to generation. Sin opens doors for the curse to manifest. 

Sadly, sin in family lines is all too common and rarely addressed, yet we have a choice. 

We have a choice to walk in the darkness of guilt and shame or to shed light on the darkness, breaking free from generational curses. 

These curses create filters in our lives that cause us to view our situations with fear. We start to fear being around others. We have anxiety about our future. We pull back from opportunities and fellowship. 

However, the good news is this: In Jesus’ name, we can cut off the generational curse of fear, shame, doubt, and unbelief to walk in freedom! 

The fruit of this freedom is being comfortable around others, fellowshipping, and walking through doors of opportunity that the Lord opens for you. 

Click the video above to watch and listen to Rabbi Curt Landry explain breaking free from generational curses and how to pray in the Courts of Heaven.  

Where Are Generational Curses Mentioned in the Bible? 

Exodus 34:6-7 speaks of generational curses… 

  • And the Lord passed before him and proclaimed, ‘The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the children’s children to the third and the fourth generation.’”

First John 1:7-9 speaks of an opportunity for forgiveness…

  • “But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 

This is why we pray, repent, and seek forgiveness. Even though we may not be the source of the curse, we are canceling the curse’s right to influence us; this is specifically why we pray in the Courts of Heaven.

How Do You Pray in the Courts of Heaven According to Matthew 6:9-13?

  1. You acknowledge that Your Father is in Heaven.
  2. You honor His Name. 
  3. You make a request for His will to be done. Do this daily!
  4. You repent and forgive. 

Repentance is a key to activation. In order for your request to be granted, you repent to God and ask for forgiveness, and in turn, you also forgive others.

This sets into motion the process of breaking free from generational curses!

How to Identify a Generational Curse

The best way to identify generational curses is to examine your own life and the fruit of your choices. 

Start by asking these questions…

  1. Are there chronic problems running through my family line, such as recurrent sickness, financial lack, and destructive relationships?
  2. Are there negative habits and patterns in my life that likely occurred in my family before me?

Once you answer these questions, ask for a revelation of the source of the problem. Ask Holy Spirit to reveal where this problem started. He is faithful to answer.

From there…

  • Repent for the issue in yourself and your family line
  • Forgive yourself and others 
  • Renounce it in the Courts of Heaven and stop its ability to steal from you 
Click here to get the 7 Steps to Emotional Healing book

Praying the Lord’s Prayer and Breaking Free from Generational Curses

The Lord’s prayer is the best foundational Courts of Heaven prayer, breaking you free from generational curses. 

When the disciples said, “Lord, teach us to pray…” Jesus responded with what is today known as the Lord’s prayer (Matthew 6:9-13, Luke 11:2-4).

In other words, Jesus taught them to pray a prayer that addressed their Father, where He was, and that His will, not theirs, be done. Jesus was declaring the authority and power of the Creator of the universe in the spiritual control room in Heaven. He was praying in the Courts of Heaven.

You can pray a similar prayer. Use the prayer below as a guide and fill in the blanks as Spirit leads…

“My Father, who is in Heaven, Your Name is above every Name and above all things. I enter Your heavenly courtroom and request freedom from a generational curse today. I seek Your will to be done in me, Your earthen vessel. I ask for freedom from ______________ (insert identified generational curses).

“Please give me this day my daily bread—thank You for meeting both my physical and spiritual needs. Forgive me for allowing any habitual sin to manifest in my life as it has in my family line. I repent to You, and I forgive others who have allowed this iniquity to be passed down through our family, or others who have offended me in any way. I forgive them just as You have forgiven me. 

“Thank you for delivering me, my children and the children and grandchildren to come from all generational curses. In doing so, You protect us and provide for us. 

“Lord, I seal this work in Your courts and make a proclamation that You will not lead me into temptation but will deliver me from evil. I decree that Yours is the Kingdom, the glory, and the power forever. Amen.”

A group of people jumping for joy because they are breaking free from generational curses.

In Summary…

Breaking free from generational curses is a process of getting set free from a sin structure that has run through your family line. The good news is that Jesus paid the price for you to walk in victory and freedom!

The process of breaking free from generational curses starts by acknowledging the sin issue and asking Holy Spirit to reveal its source in your family line. 

From there…

  • Repent for the issue in yourself and your family line
  • Forgive yourself and others 
  • Renounce it in the Courts of Heaven and stop its ability to steal from you 

Use the Lord’s prayer as a foundational prayer for entering into the Courts of Heaven, repenting, and requesting that generational curses be cut off in Jesus’ name, and the freedom is recorded in the heavenly books.