Being Thrifty Is Nifty…And a Godly Strength!


Being thrifty is not just about saving money. The Bible uses words like being good stewards of our resources and talents, and being careful and wise with our provisions to give a deeper understanding of the gift of thriftiness. If God has gifted you with thriftiness, rejoice! He has given you an ability to waste nothing… using everything for His good.

As we take a look at this Godly character we see that He brings beauty out of ashes. We may be led to believe that He cannot redeem a situation, but as we see Him work in our lives and in the lives of others, we quickly see how He wastes nothing and can redeem anything. The enemy may use situations and things in our lives to harm us, but God can and will use it for His glory… and will bless you.

How does God want you to be thrifty?

If we are honest, many of us might believe that we would give more if we had more. However, God does not look at “resources” as money. We have all been gifted with something unique. Whether it be time, words for a friend, or a helping hand. He has enabled us to share what He has graciously given.

“As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”—1 Peter 4:10

Jesus spoke of using talents, the property and gifting of God, wisely in Matthew 25. While each of the servants were given differing amounts of talents according to their abilities, God expected each to invest theirs toward the Kingdom of God in order that the harvest would multiply.

God wants us to trust Him with our resources. Those who have the giftedness of being thrifty have embraced this trust toward God, knowing fully that He will provide for all of their needs… and multiply them!

Pour out all you have…and watch God do amazing things!

The widow and the jar of oil in 2 Kings is another beautiful portrait of being wise and trusting with our resources. The woman committed herself in faith with the seemingly limited assets she possessed. She was willing to pour out all she had, and as a result she never was in need.

When you find yourself saying, “I have nothing except..,” put the exception in the hands of God and watch Him fill each empty space with His anointed mercy.


While being thrifty is not easy, you can always ask God for the strength to trust His work in your offering. We want to pray with you today to strengthen and encourage this Godly Strength of thriftiness. Call us at 888-932-7850. We pray for you to continue to grow as a good steward in both the physical and spiritual realm!