Faith In The Midst of Trials
Do you feel as if it is hard to maintain your measure of faith right now? Do you wonder how you can step deeper into faith? Then join us below as we explore what the Word of God has to say about faith and how YOU TOO can walk in ever increasing faith!
“Faith” As a Word…
Each of us have differing views of what the definition of “faith” is. Our experiences—life’s struggles and paths that we’ve traveled—have left us with a perception of it, often leading to a conclusion. However, let’s see how the world defines faith…
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines faith as:
- allegiance to duty or a person: LOYALTY; fidelity to one’s promises; sincerity of intentions
- belief and trust in and loyalty to God; belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion; firm belief in something for which there is no proof; complete trust
- something that is believed especially with strong conviction
In addition to these is an archaic verb usage, as well as, the definition of “on faith,” which means, ‘without question.’
Through these definitions we discover a pattern of loyalty, belief, and trust not so much based on the seen, but based upon the unseen. This, while the world’s definition of what faith is—and therefore a limited view—is surprisingly close to that found in Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
“Faith” In the Word…
Despite the modern dictionary not contradicting its meaning as found in the Word of God, there is much more we can learn about faith when we go deeper into God’s Word…
To begin, let us first explore Hebrews 11:1 again, this time in the Amplified version to see this familiar scripture in another light…
“Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses].”—Hebrews 11:1 (AMP)
One thing that this version adds is internal definitions of words. It gives “assurance” as being a title deed or confirmation. “Hoped for” as a divine guarantee—when the ‘hoped for’ is in line with God and His ways. And lastly, it tells us that “things not seen” are convicted within us as reality when we rely on faith in God—that what cannot be experienced in the natural is made assured through our faith, our trust, in Him.
It reminds us that faith is one of the cornerstones for bringing things to fruition. Love, faith, and hope—the three greatest abiding gifts—each being connected to bringing to our notice the invisible, the spiritual. A powerful trio!
With faith, we can move mountains—faith being invisible, but the moving of mountains being a visible, physical act.
Now, does this mean that anything we have faith in will allow us to bring visible a physical act? No. Not everything is of God, in His timing, or for the advancement of His Kingdom. Only God knows what is good, true, and perfect. Further, if everything we had faith for instantly came to pass, faith would cease to be faith. It would be more akin to the use of a debit card which we can use without worry so long as there is enough money in the account. It does not take faith to use a debit card for a $50 bill if we know we have $5,000,000 in our account.
This is why faith is the evidence of things NOT SEEN. Yes, faith without works is dead, but faith without God leading us is just as dead—even if everything we had faith for came to pass. This is because faith, in many ways, is relationship. That is one of the reasons why we need faith to please God…
“And without faith living within us it would be impossible to please God. For we come to God in faith knowing that he is real and that he rewards the faith of those who give all their passion and strength into seeking him.”—Hebrews 11:6 (TPT)
Abraham was a friend of God, but he did not gain that beautiful title by failing to have faith in God—by not cultivating a RELATIONSHIP with Him. After all, even if the Merriam-Webster dictionary is lacking God’s divine understanding of “faith,” it still lists loyalty as one of the first attributes of faith.
We, each of us, need to cultivate our relationship with God, and one of the best ways to do that is through faith. Through that inner knowing—that assurance—that the God who we have so rarely been granted the privilege of seeing fully… that He is real, and His Word is truth.
And in this, it is important to remember that as Hebrews 11:13 says, “These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.”
God never negated His promises to Abraham. Yet, Abraham only saw a portion of the full promise during his time on earth—descendants more numerous than the sand of the seashore. Even Moses never walked in the Promise Land with his generation due to the doubt, unbelief, and complaining of the people; though he did see it from afar and his descendants inherited that land.
Faith can be seen in a moment, as when Jesus said, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your affliction” (Mark 5:34).
Faith can be seen over many years, as when Samuel anointed David at the behest of God when David was but a youth, yet, David did not take the role of king until he was 30 (see 1 Samuel 16; 2 Samuel 2, 5).
Faith can be seen over generations, as with Abraham’s descendants becoming more numerous than the stars or with Moses’ and Aaron’s descendants reaching the Promised Land.
Many things that we have faith for will indeed come to pass within our lifetime. Others within the lives of our descendants. Yet the greatest faith, which we may each one day see in fullness, is the faith of salvation, where we each stand before our Creator. Where we are allowed to be with Him forever.
“Then behold, they brought to Him a paralytic lying on a bed. When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, ‘Son, be of good cheer; your sins are forgiven you.’
“…at once some of the scribes said within themselves, ‘This Man blasphemes!’
“But Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said, ‘Why do you think evil in your hearts? For which is easier, to say, “Your sins are forgiven you,” or to say, “Arise and walk”? But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins’—then He said to the paralytic, ‘Arise, take up your bed, and go to your house.’ And he arose and departed to his house.
“Now when the multitudes saw it, they marveled and glorified God, who had given such power to men.”—Matthew 9:2-8
Jesus, who did nothing unless led by His Father in Heaven, healed because of faith; brought salvation because of faith.
If then, Jesus did all this because of faith during His time on earth, will He not do so now as He sits at the right hand of the Father—making intersession on our behalf?
Faith opens doors. It brings us into relationship with the King of kings. And it allows us the ability to obey the laws of God—for they are fulfilled through faith, hope, and love. Faith is blessing and our inheritance.
If you would like to learn about the faith and legacy of the Landry family, then click HERE to read their testimony!
If you would like to discover how tests and trials grow your faith, then click HERE!
If you would like to have your faith and the Word of God illuminated through testimonies, biblical stories, and insights straight from the Holy Land, then click HERE to order the Illuminations series on DVD!