Unlocking Doors of Destiny by Loving Your Neighbor

Your generosity and commitment to spreading the love of Yeshua to the nations are truly a beacon in dark times and reflect the Father-Heart of God. You have been an example of loving God and loving your neighbor.

At Curt Landry Ministries, our shared WHY is rooted in a desire to truly understand the Father-Heart of God. We believe as people worldwide embrace this love, they can rediscover their true identity.

The 2 Greatest Commandments

In this season, we are reminded of the two greatest commandments that Yeshua Himself shared with us:

  1. Loving God: 

Our love for God is the foundation of our faith journey. It’s the source of our strength, our hope, and our identity. It’s through this love that we can truly connect with our Heavenly Father, understanding His heart and plans for us. Your support connects both strangers and neighbors to the Father-Heart of God. 

  1. Loving Your Neighbor: 

Love is not merely a sentiment but a powerful action. It’s the love we show to one another that demonstrates the reality of God’s love in our lives. By loving our neighbors, we extend God’s grace and kindness to those around us. Your generosity is this commandment in action and is truly living out the instruction of “loving your neighbor as yourself.” 

Who Is My Neighbor?

In the story of the good Samaritan, a man is left for dead on the road in the area believed to be modern-day Ma’ale Adumim. A priest walks by. A Levite walks right on past. Both men, Jews from the priestly line, failed to follow God’s instruction to love their neighbor. They should have known to act, and maybe they did know, but they did not use their hands to save that day. 

The Good Samaritan

Then, the good Samaritan showed up. He was not of the priestly line, but from Samaria, a region generally met with contempt because of cultural differences. This man lived out God’s instruction, loving his neighbor by demonstrating compassion and showing mercy.

As in this parable, Jesus tells us to “Go and do likewise” (Luke 10:37). Share God’s love with anyone and everyone you can.

When we look back at 2023, we can see that you embraced this instruction. You have “gone and done likewise,” not only in Israel and around the world but quite specifically in the area of Ma’Ale Adumim. Like the Good Samaritan, you stopped and outfitted their community with protection by providing:

  • Bulletproof Vests
  • Tactile Helmets
  • Flood Flashlights 
  • Field Bandages
  • Security Hats
  • Security Vests
  • Neck Warmers
  • Uniforms
  • Knee Protectors
  • Tactical Gloves
  • Utility Knives
  • Walkie-Talkie Sets
  • Emergency Lights

As you embrace these commandments, loving God and loving your neighbor, you unlock doors of destiny and advance the Kingdom of God. Love is the key that opens hearts, transforms lives, and breaks down barriers. It’s the bridge that reconciles Jews and Gentiles, bringing us together as One New Humanity.

What Happens When You Choose Loving God and Loving Your Neighbor?

This year, let us make a conscious effort to walk in love toward one another. Let us remember that by doing so, we are fulfilling God’s greatest commandments and aligning ourselves with our true identity as children of the Most High.

Love is the catalyst for change, and together, we can make a lasting impact in the lives of many.

Thank you for your faithful support, which empowers us to carry out our shared mission and share God’s love with the world. As you consider sowing a seed of love this month, remember that your giving advances the Kingdom and unlocks doors of destiny for those in need. Your giving is likened to the good Samaritan who stopped, took notice, and lived out the instruction of the Father. 

May the love of God continue to overflow in your life, and may you be a vessel of His love for others. Thank you for being covenant mishpacha (friends and family)!

With heartfelt gratitude and love,

Curt and Christie Landry

Founders, Curt Landry Ministries

Want to see more about your generosity’s impact in Israel and worldwide? Check out our latest Impact Report!