Why Are the Jewish Roots of Christianity Important for Believers to Know (Part 1)?

The Bible refers to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in Acts 3:13. The Bible says that we are…

  • Grafted in (Romans 11:25:32)
  • Made One New Man in Jesus (Ephesians 2:14-16)
  • Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise (Galatians 3:29)

God made a covenant promise with Abraham. That covenant promise was passed down to Isaac and then to Jacob. God never changes. He cannot lie. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. These promises remain still. 

Join Rabbi Curt Landry as he takes you on a journey to discover the importance of the Jewish roots of the faith. 

He explains…

  • The prophetic significance in the Feasts of the Lord that resets your soul and opens you up to receive the Father’s love
  • How understanding the Jewish roots of the faith give you greater insight into your identity in Christ
  • How we’ve been separated from the blessings of our heritage for far too long and it’s time to reclaim what is ours

Don’t miss this powerful podcast that will deepen your walk with the Lord and transform your faith. 

Transcription from Podcast (Revised for Readability)

Why are the Jewish roots important to Believers? What exactly are the Jewish roots of Christianity? 

Rabbi Curt Landry Shares from a Personal Perspective

I need to share it from a personal perspective, and as I share my testimony, this will help you because as we go into more of the content, you’ll understand why this is important. 

I Was Conceived Out of Wedlock to a Jewish Mother and Catholic Father

First of all, I’ll just give you a short history. 

I was conceived out of wedlock with a Jewish mother and a Catholic father. This was in the ’50s, and they wanted to get married because that’s what you did back then. However, there were prejudices between the two families. The Jewish side said, “Listen, you’re not marrying that Catholic.” And the Catholic said, “You’re certainly not marrying that Jew.”

Is Abortion the Only Option?

This put my biological father and mother in a difficult position. They said, “Well, all we can do is get an abortion.” So they got the abortion scheduled. Everything was ready to go. 

My father was on an Air Force base at this time. My mother was one of the local girls in the town. As they were planning, my biological father went to the Catholic priest on the Air Force base and said, “What else can we do?” He was feeling uncomfortable about the abortion. 

The Catholic priest said, “Well, there is another option. But the mother will have to let go of her prejudice of being Jewish. She will have to go to Los Angeles to have the baby. Then release the baby to the Catholic agency to be adopted by a Catholic family.” This Air Force base was in Modesto in Northern California. 

They decided to place me up for adoption. I was adopted six months later from the orphanage by a Jewish woman and a Catholic man. The Lord has a sense of humor. 

And it’s interesting, too, because my biological father was from Pawtucket, Rhode Island and my adoptive father was from Pawtucket, Rhode Island.

I Grew Up Knowing I Was Adopted

I grew up knowing I was adopted. But I didn’t know anything about my origin. It wasn’t something that was discussed. 

I was raised by a secular Jewish woman and a Catholic man. It wasn’t a religious home, but that was my identity. You see, your identity is what you filter life through. So, I filtered life through this, and since my adoptive parents were French and Irish, I was told I was French and Irish. I had relatives that didn’t even speak English. They spoke French Canadian.

Radically Saved

All these things were part of my identity. Then, when I was 36 years old, I was radically transformed and saved in a bathtub. I was a successful business person. My wife, Christie, was saved three years prior. Once she was saved, she started praying for and loving me, not preaching to me. I was radically saved and born again. 

The Lord Started Preparing Me for My Call

But one of the things that’s interesting in this life cycle in the journey of preparing me for my call. The Lord reconnects me to my biological father through a series of miracles. 

Right before this was interesting…

We were going to a Foursquare Church in Redmond, Washington, when I got saved. We were living in Issaquah at the time, up on the plateaus. And it’s great because we were going to Pastor Steve and Julie Gutzler’s Church (Pastor Steve is actually our life coach and has worked with our ministry all these years later).

But when we were in this little church in Redmond, Washington, I made friends with a gentleman there. He was a Jewish Believer. He said, “I would like you to be the best man at my wedding.” I said, “This is great. You’re getting married here at Grace Church in Redmond?” 

He said, “No. There’s a Messianic congregation over in Seattle.” I said, “What’s that?” He said, “Well, that’s our church. And we have a rabbi that’s there.”

I Didn’t Know I Was Jewish

Understand, I did not know at this time that my biological mother was Jewish. I didn’t know that I had Jewish DNA in my bloodline. According to the Israeli government, I was (am) a Jew because you’re if your mother’s a Jew, then you’re a Jew. I don’t know any of this. I had just gotten radically saved. 

(This all happened about a month before I would be reconnected with my biological father). 

Church on Friday Night?

So the Jewish Believer says to me, “We’re going to have the wedding practice.” And he said, “Before we do this, why don’t you come to a service? We have services on Friday night.” I’m thinking, “What? I thought church had to be on Sunday?” “No, no,” he said, “Come on Friday night and attend service.”

I Heard Hebrew and Started to Break

So we went to the service, and they started singing in Hebrew. My wife and I were there; we’d never heard Messianic Hebrew music before. I can remember the song. They started singing a certain part, and I didn’t even know what it meant. I just started to break. I’m literally just breaking. 

I’m a new Believer. I’m a successful business guy. I’ve got the suit on, and I don’t want to cry in church. I’m new to this whole church thing. I’m not even at the stage yet where I’m raising hands. But I sat there crying like a baby. And I’m thinking, “What is this?” And then they put me in the wedding as the best man.

And then they gave me a script and said, “We want you to speak out this blessing in Hebrew (at the wedding).” I learned this blessing and connected to something I didn’t even know I was already connected to. 

The Jewish Roots Are for Every Christian

That’s the Jewish roots of the faith for every Christian

You are already connected to the Jewish roots of the faith. You are just like me. You didn’t know it. But when you connect to it, there is power. 

  • That’s why I love Shabbat. 
  • That’s why I love the feast.

It’s so amazing to have people come to the Feast of Passover and Tabernacles. They come to Rosh Hashanah. They get totally wrecked. And nine times out of 10, if they were to do a DNA test, they would find out they have Jewish blood. 

Whether you have Jewish blood or not, when you are born again, you are saved by a Jew named Jesus–Yeshua HaMashiach.

  • This is why the Jewish roots to Christianity are so important for every Believer. The Bible says, “The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,” because there is no other God.
  • This statement gives a lineage of a DNA, of a covenant promise that God made to Abraham. That covenant is with Isaac, and that covenant is with Jacob. 
  • This covenant is from the Godwho never changes. 
  • God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. 

The Jewish roots of the faith not only have prophetic significance for resetting your clock, but also for resetting your soul to receive the Father’s love. 

This is what is referred to in Malachi 4:6…

  • “And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.”

More Preparing for My Call

So after I did this wedding, and it was so powerful, I didn’t know what was about to happen. About a month or two later I was reconnected to my biological father who lived in Palm Beach. I actually had a long conversation with him on the phone. And then, shortly after the phone call, I went on a work trip to Miami, Florida.

So I flew into Miami, and I met my biological father for the first time. And I got to tell you, it was amazing because I remember he pulled up in a red Mercedes convertible and got out, and the way he walked was like me.  

  • (My family loves to tease me about my walk and I’ve sadly imparted it to my grandson. “Yep, he walks just like Rabbi,” people say. I love how DNA works.)

As I sat down with my father and had breakfast for the first time, he said, “I need to tell you what happened and why I couldn’t keep you.” He said, “Your mother was Portuguese Jewish.” And he told me of how both families did not want to allow their children to be married.

My mind immediately recycles back to my own Jewish roots of the faith to just a few months earlier  when I was at the wedding…

  • With the chuppah 
  • With the Rabbi and speaking the blessings in Hebrew
  • With the singing in Hebrew 

The literal quantum physics inside my own neurolinguistic soul was awakening to who I really was! That’s powerful. And the prophetic significance of what the Lord had saved me for at this time.

Realizing My Identity

When you allow the Lord to educate you and redefine you through the Jewish words of the faith, you have a legal right as One New Man. In Ephesians chapter two, it talks this. 

Ephesians 2:14-16…

  • “For he himself,” speaking of Yeshua, Jesus, “He is our peace who has made both one,” meaning Gentiles and Jews. And it says, “He has broken down the middle wall of separation, having abolished in his flesh the enmity that is the law of the commandments contained in the ordinances. So as created himself, one new man from the two, thus making peace that he might reconcile them both to God in one body, though,” it says “Through the cross, thereby putting to death the enmity.” 

1 Corinthians 12:20, 24-27…

  • “Now, but now indeed, there are many members… yet one body, but God compose the body, having giving great honor to that part which lacks, that there might be no schisms in the body, but the members should have the same care for one another, and that one member suffers, all members suffer with it. And if one member is honored, then all members rejoice. And now you are the body of Christ members individually.”

When we connect in unity with the Creator of Heaven and earth–with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jaco–it releases our personal identity.

When I was in the corporate world, I was very successful with a purpose-driven life. Purpose and goal setting were everything. 

Realizing Your Identity

However, the key to going from good to great is to be able to know what God has made you passionate about.

Ask this: 

  • How do the gifts God has given me connect with my passion? 
  • How do I monetize that? 

When you can identify the gifts God has given you, then spend your time activating those gifts, you can monetize them. You will start walking in the fullness of the workmanship that Ephesians 2:10 talks about,  “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”

But it really starts with redefining the Jewish roots of the faith in your own life, even as a Gentile Believer. The Jewish roots are the foundation and the heritage of the Believer’s faith.

When You Don’t Know Your Roots, You Are Seperated from Your Blessings

Without understanding the fundamental importance of the Jewish roots of Christianity, Believers are separated from the blessing of their own heritage. 

  • Replacement Theology 

This is where supersessionism, or a replacement theology, enter in. It’s a belief that somehow the church has become Israel. If you fall into this lie, you are disconnected from your inheritance. 

This is no different than what happened to me before I got saved when I didn’t know that I was literally Jewish. My life changed course from the enemy trying to keep me from my Jewish roots. 

See, there’s false teaching in the world that says the church replaced the role of Israel and God’s original plan, though understanding that the covenant relationship with God and man and the Holy Spirit reveals the Jewish sources of the Christian faith. You don’t want to fight the truth. You want to flow with the truth. The ancient Jewish roots of Christianity hold significant revelatory power.

And as we seek to understand them…

  • They transform our faith
  • They deepen our walk with the Lord
  • They bring us confidence. 

The reason I love to celebrate the Feast of the Lord, which would be Passover, Shavuot, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and the Feast of Tabernacles, those are all times to have an experience of identity and resetting your own clock. And One New Man introduces you, in Ephesians 2:15, to a concept that refers to both Jew and Gentile reconciling under God in one body.

And when we operate as one body, that is One New Man (translated in Hebrew and in Greek as ‘one new humanity’), isn’t that what we want? We want to maintain who we are. 

You don’t see being Irish or Italian when you get saved, and you don’t see being Jewish when you get saved. You are One New Man–adopted into God’s family. This is your identity and heritage. 

God created us in His image, and Jesus taught us to demonstrate the Kingdom of God as One New Man throughout the land of Israel. The same question that the church at Ephesus asked is asked today. 

And our mission at Curt Landry Ministries is to align with God’s plan, building bridges of unity between Jews and Gentiles. Our mission is to worship God together as One New Man, honoring the Jewish roots of the faith, thus having a double portion of peace, joy, love and prosperity. 

The message of the One New Man takes us deep into the Hebrew roots of Christianity, and it provides us more clarity. No different than when I got reconnected with my biological father, and he started telling me the stories of the family. Now listen, I was not connected to the biological family until I was 37 years old, but it was wonderful to find out about my grandmother and grandfather whom I never knew.

I knew my adoptive grandmother and grandfather, but I didn’t know anything about my biological family. And it was amazing. 

I can remember my adoptive father saying (as I would do different things), “I don’t know why you do that. I don’t know where you get that.” It was a common thing he would say because I was different than him. Even though he and I got along fine, I was different. 

But when I was reconnected to my true identity, I found out why I was doing these things. Good and bad and mostly good, but these things came forth. But the same thing happens when connecting to the Jewish roots of the faith. 

  • Why do I have this faith? 
  • Why am I dreaming this dream? 
  • Why do I have these desires in my heart? 
  • Why do I want to go from good to great? 

See these concepts of the One New Man is all over the Bible from beginning to end.

So I want to speak this blessing out over you, especially during this holiday season. And I want to pray…

“Father God, in the name of Jesus, I lift up each one of my precious brothers and sisters and all of our supporters, and partners. We’re in this together. We’re an army. I release the blessing of you receiving the Father’s love. I release the peace to you of your true identity in your own Jewish roots of your faith, in your own experience to be exposed this year. And I thank you for that as you walk in the truth, it will set you free.”

God bless. We’ll see you next time and hope to be able to see you sometime at House of David. Come visit us for one of the feasts. It would be great to see you. Shalom.


Curt Landry, founder of Curt Landry Ministries, and his wife, Christie, travel extensively, preaching and teaching about the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. Together, their passion is to empower families to live and leave Kingdom legacies and understand their own personal heritage.