Urgent Prophetic Warning Dream
God is giving His Church a spiritual warfare strategy that will position them to win the battle in the year to come. Rabbi Curt Landry explains his urgent prophetic warning dream and how God is releasing revelation in this hour!
In 5782, there is going to be a parting of rivers. The number 2 is associated with the letter “bet” in Hebrew, which means “house.” God is going to divide His house into 4 rivers. There will be a separation for specialized Kingdom operations.
Here’s How to Win the Battle…
- Click on the video above. Watch the video and ask Holy Spirit to impart wisdom and discernment for His strategy.
- Prepare for a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Receive God’s peace when the enemy is trying to hijack your emotions. Get 7 Steps to Emotional Healing and be prepared.
- Protect your finances. The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Prepare and protect your resources. Get Released Blessings Through Tithes & Offerings.
God is realigning this nation. Be a part of His Kingdom move!