Unfortunately, it looks like our schedule is full and we are unable to schedule repeat appointments.

We still want to help you move into a place of restoration and healing. The Freedom Prayer appointments are designed to provide the initial breakthrough. We understand the journey to healing is a process.

That’s why we are diligently working on resources that will help you in the next steps of your journey…

  1. Coming Soon—A private Facebook group just for you! This group will be a place where you can find the support and encouragement from others who have experienced initial breakthroughs through Freedom Prayer appointments.

We will notify you when the group is up and running.

  • Check your email for more resources! We will send you an email with the subject line: Resources to follow your breakthrough In the email you will find 3 resources that will help you continue your journey of healing.

The Lord’s desire is that you are healed from these soul-hurts so that you can walk in your purpose, bless others for His Kingdom, and experience the abundant life He promises…

“…I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”—John 10:10

Our prayer ministry looks forward to praying with you.